What Your Handwriting Says To You?

Here is a brief description of what P. Scott Hollander says on how handwriting reflects your personality in her book Handwriting Analysis.

The 5 fundamentals of Handwriting Analysis are :-

1) Organization - The Style of Script.

It is the overall arrangement of a script sample. It includes trait indicators, penstroke formations and control over the pen. Your style of writing is a pattern of behavior; a picture of how you think and therefore what you are likely to do.

For example:- Tangled, scribbled over, or jerky writing shows confused or erratic thought. Missing t-bars and i-dots, punctuation are signs of carelessness and lack of attention to details. Extremely well organized script will show that write has relinquish control over his life to someone or something else. 

2) Direction - The Baseline of Script.

There are two measurements for baseline.

The shape of the baseline: Internal Organization.

  •  Rigid (Perfectly straight as a line):- Shows writer never allow himself to doubt, question his own motives and hesitate in making decisions.
  • Waver (some letters dip below or float above the line):- Shows the writer has doubts, questions about his goals, professions or lifestyle.
The direction of the baseline: Overall formation.

  • Level:- The writer is realistic and tends to be as level headed about fate and luck.
  • Upswing:- This writer is optimist. No matter what goes on his life, he believes that eventually everything is going to work out for the best.
  • Downswing:- This writer is a pessimist no what what happens in his life he expects the worst as a result he is ever disappointed.

 3) Communication - The Angle of Script.

The angle of grip tells how the writer feels about his ability to deal with the other people.

  • Vertical (Straight):- Shows the writer is self-sufficient and usually self-contained, is independent and has pride.
  • Towards Right:- Shows other-oriented interested in people and events outside of themselves. They do not like to be alone, need lots of praise and a return of the attention and affection they give. Extreme right shows increased dependent on others.
  • Towards Left:- Is used by writers who is kind of shy and frightened and prefer not to let others get too close. Extreme left shows increased withdrawal.

 4) Limitation - The Size of Script.

This includes height, width and spacing.

  • Large Script:- indicates extroverted, confident, energetic behavior, exhibitionist, gregarious and enjoys variety in his life and will be happiest in professions.
  • Medium Script:- shows conservative, conscientious and careful, prefers to strike a balance without a balance and has greater concern for appearances and legalities. This group make the most reliable employee, best marriage Partner, parent, supportive friend and neighbor, and generally care about their own action and feeling of others.
  • Small Script:- Writer is analytical, precise, has desire for accuracy, investigative ability, patience, concentration. This is the Scientists' script and many of the world's most inventive discoveries have been made by people who write in just this way.

 Relative height:- This includes

  • Upper zone:- Indicates realm of mind, the extent of intellectual curiosity, spiritual strivings, imagination and creativity, scholar. Taller the upper zone stroke, higher the mental reach and more the writer wants to understand his world.
  • Middle Zone:- This is characteristic of children handwriting i.e. concerned with emotional security and approval of authority. The development of upper and lower zone extension are first sign of evolving independence of thoughts and actions in growing child.
  • Lower Zone:- Shows an extremely physical and sensual nature. the writer to whom physical gratification is the prime goal of life. Shortened lower extension shows a lack of need for physical stimulation or activity or a disinterest in material gain. 
  • Between letters: Wider the letters the more time the writer has on his hand his time to grow but is growing in the wrong direction. Narrow letters indicates that something usually overwork or too many responsibilities is cramping his style.
  • Between words: Wider the spacing the greater the need to spread out this is the person who need more room. Narrow spacing mean that the writer has more work on responsibilities than he can handle.

 5) Determination - The Pressure of Script.

  • Uniform, firm, even and consistent pressure:- It is a sign of energy, vitality, personal force, leadership qualities and also indication of physical good health.
  • Heavy Pressure:- Shows  stronger emotional intensity, outburst and more determination he has. Extremes of high pressure is someone who answer to obstacles in brute force, will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
  • Lighter Pressure:- Indicates quieter, noticeable, sensitivity, lack of drive, lessening of personal ambition, laziness as well. Extreme light pressure shows up burdened, anger, confusion, unhappiness, feeling of being a failure, frustration.


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