Amidst the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Ganesh Chaturthi or Ganeshotsav commenced in several parts across the nation. Ganesh Chaturthi also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi, is celebrated every year to mark the birth of Lord Ganesha, the God of beginnings. Lord Ganesha is the symbol of wisdom, prosperity, luck, success and good fortune. Lord Ganesha is also addressed as Vighnaharta, Gajanana, Gajadant among others. The festival is celebrated in the Shukla Paksha of the Bhadrapada month which, as per the Gregorian calendar, falls in months of August or September, according to Drik Panchang. History Goddess Parvati made Ganesha out of sandalwood paste and put him on guard while she was taking a bath. When Lord Shiva came back, Ganesha would not allow him to pass through. Full of anger, Lord Shiva severed the child's head. When Goddess Parvati came to know about this, she was heartbroken, after which Shiva promised that he would bring Ganesha back to life. He instructed his followers to s...